Polyworld Tank Accessories
Polyworld Water and Molasses tanks are lightweight, inexpensive and will stand the test of time, these accessories will further extend an already long life-cycle and allow for more convenient filtration of rain-water.

Leaf Eater
dd a First Flush system to your LeafEater reducing sources of contamination to keep your water cleaner and cle...

Liquid Poly Conditioner
All polymers age with time and UV light. Keep your tank looking new and shiny with simple 1-step liquid condi...

Wound Sediment Cartridge & Dual Purpose long-life Cartridge
he WD Series cartridges are suitable for a wide variety of sediment filtration applications including bore wat...

Water Filter Housing/ Large Diameter Housing
Polyworld Tanks standard and large diameter housings for water filtration cartridges.

Overflow Frog Flap
his is the Overflow ‘Frog’ flap made for our Polyworld Water Tanks, it comes without the overflow ...

Overflow Mesh
his is the Overflow Mesh made for our Polyworld Water Tanks, it comes without the ‘frog’ flap and ...

Overflow Housing
his is the Overflow Housing made for our Polyworld Water Tanks, it comes without the ‘frog’ flap a...

First Flush System 90mm
all our Sales staff if you are interested in the 100mm Water Diverter, we can order it in for you.
1300 888...

400mm & 300mm Tank Strainer
he standard covers for Polyworld tanks both over and under 500L, our fine tank strainers. To see more of our G...

400mm and 300mm tank cover
he standard tank covers for Polyworld tanks both over and under 500L. To see more of our Great Range of Access...